Design Patterns in C#



Here is a list of errors in the first and second printings of Design Patterns in C# that you should correct in your copy of the book. (Please accept my apologies for these errors.)
  • On page 22: Change Rocket in the figure caption to PhysicalRocket. (Thanks to Sridhar Ramachandran for finding this error.)
  • On page 23: Change the Thrust() method to GetThrust(), and make a corresponding change in the solution on page 351. (Thanks to Tom Stidham for finding this error.)
  • On page 26: In Figure 3.6, change the _time attribute in the Skyrocket class to be _simTime, and correct the reference to _time variable in the paragraph below the figure. (Thanks to Simon Norris for pointing this out)
  • The code for the book contained a dead project (Carousel3) that I've since removed. (Thanks to Arsenijevicd Dusan for finding this problem.)
  • On pages 61, 324, and 358: Alternation should be ProcessAlternation. (Thanks to Karl Schemperlin and Sridhar Ramachandran for finding these errors.)
  • On page 232: Change the first line from "In the ShellPlanner class" to "In the ShellAssembler class" (Thanks to Sridhar Ramachandran and Andreas Strubel for this great catch.)
  • On page 318: Correct the constructor of CompositeEnumerator to match its class name (Thanks to Sridhar Ramachandran for finding this.)
  • On pages 330 and 331: Change MachineVisitor to IMachineVisitor (Thanks to Sridhar Ramachandran for finding these.)
  • On page 337: Change ProcessVisitor to IProcessVisitor (Thanks to Sridhar Ramachandran.)
  • On page 352, Solutions: In Figure B.2, change the _time attribute to _simTime.

Sridhar Ramachandran has also found the following grammatical goofs and other errors that you may want to correct:

  • On page: 28, in the first paragraph's last line: write: ' one tier to meet the ...' instead of: ' one tier to the meet the ...'.
  • On page 46 in the last paragraph: The line should read: '...simplifies the creation of GUIs..." instead of: '...simplifies the creation of a GUIS...'.
  • On page 48: The line should be: ' can supply demos or ...' instead of: ' can supplies demos or...'.
  • On page 58: Write '...while the shell is in the air...' instead of: '...while the shell in the air...'.
  • On page 60: Write ' a sequence of the buildInnerShell step...' instead of: ' a sequence of the buildInner step'.
  • On page 61: Write '...relies on a companion...' instead of: '...relies on a comanion...'.
  • On page 75 last line: Write '...challenging...' instead of: 'challengng...'.
  • On page 139: Write ' can arrange a group of objects...' instead of: 'you can arrange group of objects...'.
  • On page 259: Correct 'resourced' in '...this code releases the resources used by...'.
  • On page 316: Write '...Challenge 5.3 (from Chapter 5...' instead of: '...Challenge 3.3 (from Chapter 3...'.
  • On page 327: Write '... solution appears on page 414' instead of '...solution appears on page 415'.
  • On page 342: Write '...solution appears on page 415' instead of: '...solution appears on page 416'.
  • On page 414: Write 'return SubenumeratorNext();' instead of: 'return SubiteratorNext();'

A giant "Thank You!" to Sridhar for his careful reading! - Steve


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