Extreme Programming Explored, by William C. Wake. Addison-Wesley, 2001. Foreword by Dave Thomas (The Pragmatic Programmer).
This book grew out of the XPlorations series of articles. I wrote them as I was learning XP, and relating it to my own experience and practices.
The best version of each article is in the book itself. The book reflects the feedback of reviewers and editors. You can purchase it somewhere like Amazon.com.
The XPlorations series continues to grow.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introducing XP…………………………………….1
Programming, team practices, and processes.
Section 1: Programming
Chapter 2. How do you program in XP?…………..11
XP uses incremental, test-first programming.
Chapter 3. What is refactoring?………………………….29
“Refactoring: Improving the design of existing code.”
–Martin Fowler
Section 2: Team Practices
Chapter 4. What are XP’s team practices?………51
We’ll explore these practices and their alternatives.
Chapter 5. What’s it like to program in pairs?..65
Pair programming is exhausting but productive.
Chapter 6. Where’s the architecture?………………..77
Architecture shows up in spikes, the metaphor, the first iteration, and elsewhere.
Chapter 7. What is the system metaphor?………..87
“The system metaphor is a story that everyone–customers, programmers, and managers–can tell about how the system works.”
–Kent Beck
Section 3: Process
Chapter 8. How do you plan a release?
What are stories like?………………………………….101
Write stories, estimate stories, and prioritize stories.
Chapter 9. How do you plan an iteration?……..115
Iteration planning can be thought of as a board game.
Chapter 10. Customer, Programmer, Manager:
What’s a typical day?………………..125
Customer: questions, tests, and steering;
Programmer: testing, coding, and refactoring; [without cube]
Manager: project manager, tracker, and coach.
Chapter 11. Conclusion………………………………………..143
Chapter 12. Annotated Bibliography………………….145