SwiftUI – Data for Views

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SwiftUI is Apple’s newish UI framework, where you textually specify interfaces in Swift. One of the challenges of working with SwiftUI is understanding how to get data to a View.

The images below are the core content of the PDF version, which adds a table of contents, three reference pages about environment variables, and a code sample.

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Value Owned by ViewPeek Into BindingObservable ObjectsViews with Classes
EnvironmentObjectUser DefaultsEnvironment
  1. SwiftUI – Value Owned by View
Value objects are declared with @State at the top view, declared with @Binding in the child views, and passed to the child with $

2. SwiftUI – A Peek Into @Binding

3. SwiftUI – ObservableObject for (some) Model Classes

A model may be complex, built from many objects. Some of those objects let views see their state or trigger behavior. For classes, implement ObservableObject and mark mutable fields with @Published. This helps SwiftUI figure out which views to update.

4. SwiftUI – Views Working with Classes

The model class is an ObservableObject with Published fields. The owning view declares it with @StateObject. Child views declare it with @ObservedObject.

5. SwiftUI – @EnvironmentObject to Share Data Directly

If you create a @StateObject and pass that into .environnmentObject() on the view, descendant views can use @EnvironmentObject to access it directly, rather than passing it through intermediate views.

6. SwiftUI – Views Using User Default Data

You can use @AppStorage to get or set user defaults. It persists between runs of the app.

7. SwiftUI – Views That Read or Change the Environment

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Questions or suggestions? Reach out to me at bill@xp123.com.

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