Extreme Test Makeover – Agile ’06

Brian Marick and I hosted "Extreme Test Makeover," where people could bring their laptops with code and tests, and have an experienced tester/programmer review them. Observations by participants:

  • Watij tests in Fit are too long/confusing to read for customer.
    • You could write it in JUnit instead of Fit
    • Break them up into small focused tests
  • Neat new delegate syntax (with .Net 2.0)
  • Descriptive variable names are good [even] for short term variables.
  • Keep tests focused on one purpose – If a test needs 3 things to work, create 3 tests
  • Generic isn't always useful.

Thanks to our participants and our experts: Bob Martin, Brian Button, Janet Gregory, JB Rainsberger, Jim Newkirk, Jim Shore, Lisa Crispin, Micah Martin, Randy Coulman, and Ward Cunningham.